A die learned that it could control its rolls and used this newfound ability to gamble itself to a fortune. It soon infamously became known as "The Fixer." But now the security dice have caught on. To escape, The Fixer must utilize its different faces that each correspond to different actions. You must order them correctly to help The Fixer cash out and avoid the repercussions of its craft.


Left/Right arrows or A/D to navigate between die faces on the selection menu

Space to select and confirm die faces

Enter to continue past the selection phase

D to roll onto the next face

P to pause

R to restart


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Hey, sorry I can't get past the selection screen. Space and Enter don't seem to do anything.

I'm sorry to hear you were having some trouble. I don't know if this was your issue, but sometimes if you put the game into full screen, you have to give it an extra click to get it started (something to do with the built-in Itch.io player). Hope this helps!